Best Contribution to Brand Development in Brand Content
Best Efficiency in Web Spot
Santillana Group, Advertiser with Best Message
Santillana contacted us for his new communication strategy.
The result was an advertising spot called “Don’t stop learning” recently awarded in three categories of Publifestival 2019, a landing page hosted on its website with specific audiovisual content (interviews with people who represent the concept) and the revitalization of their social networks. The design and layout of a monthly newsletter was also carried out, to announce each new interview that was included in the landing page.
Advertising spot
Advertising spot for networks + making of
Landing page
Realization of a landing page to host and make visible the interviews done + newsletter
Audiovisual content
Making audiovisual pills, as interviews to people who never stop learning
Social networks
Revitalization and monitoring of the brand in social networks